Brain & Mind is a unique partnership between neurology, neuropsychiatry and specialist neurological and psychological therapies.
We bring together neurological, neuropsychiatric, physical and psychological approaches to diagnostic assessment, treatment, and care. Everyone is unique – so we provide bespoke and holistic treatment plans to ensure successful rehabilitation and prepare you for the next step of recovery.
The brain and mind occupy the same organ, so it is very common for neurological illness to cause a mixture of physical, emotional and cognitive problems. Likewise, psychological stressors and mental illness have both physical and emotional impacts. Despite this, medical and rehabilitation practice tends to separate brain and mind, making it very challenging to access joined-up diagnosis and treatment of all of the problems that you may have.
We start by listening to you in our unique, joint neurology and neuropsychiatry assessment – so that we understand all the problems and difficulties you have faced. We will ask about the history of your condition, the diagnoses that have been made to date, and the treatments that you have already tried; what has worked and what has not worked. We want to understand the impact on your life and how your condition affects your wellbeing – physically, emotionally, and socially.
This assessment allows us to give you in-depth feedback on the formulation (the explanation for why your symptoms started and what is keeping them going) for your problems, what this diagnosis means for you in the future, and how best your symptoms can be improved.
With our team of expert neurological and psychological therapists, we develop a personalised rehabilitation plan that places you in the centre of the programme of treatment. Depending on your needs, you will have access to cutting-edge expertise in:
Integration of science, theory, and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding brain behaviour relationships and applying this knowledge to the assessment of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning associated with neurological conditions. It involves designing and implementing tailored treatments to prevent and relieve psychologically based distress or impairments and to promote subjective well-being and personal development.
Provides care and support for patients who have difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication, with eating, drinking and swallowing.
Occupational therapy is the use of “occupation” or purposeful activity to help those with physical, psychological or social disabilities through the rehabilitation process.
The role of the occupational therapist revolves around supporting people in regaining the ability to do everyday tasks. These include the activities many of us take for granted like food shopping, brushing teeth, caring for children, studying, working or socialising.
We help our patients master each small step which moves them closer to leading independent, productive and satisfying lives once more.
We recognise that there are many therapies that are available that can work in various ways to improve symptoms. We try to use research evidence to identify the best treatments that are available and give you advice on what the options are.
Our treatment packages can be delivered via an integrated community-based model or directly by Brain & Mind in person or remotely depending on what will provide you with the best outcomes. We also deliver intensive day or inpatient rehabilitation in the specialist neurological rehabilitation unit at The Wellington Hospital. This includes dedicated inpatient nursing support and can cater to you if you require hoist transfers or have complex medical needs including feeding difficulties (nasogastric, PEG or total parenteral nutrition) and breathing difficulties (including tracheostomy care).
Our treatment packages can be delivered via an integrated community-based model or directly by Brain & Mind in person or remotely depending on suitability. We deliver intensive day or inpatient rehabilitation in the specialist neurological rehabilitation unit at the Wellington Hospital. This includes dedicated nursing support and can cater to you if you require hoist transfers or have complex medical needs including feeding difficulties (nasogastric, PEG or total parenteral nutrition) and breathing difficulties (including tracheostomy).